About “Root Linux Blog”

The blog is to share knowledge about Technologies. This article will either teach you or help you to resolve your technology related problems. I will share my knowledge about Computer Hardware, Databases, Security, Storage, Networking and Web hosting.

About Me

First thing is that I love blogging but actually I started working as Computer engineer at system integration company where learned basic of computer hardware related issue with peripherals. Lately, I started exploring my knowledge and skill in technologies. I have done a lot of work on the infrastructure side in Linux and Windows system administration, database, Hardware, Storage, and Datacenter and a lot R&D in Linux and Windows client environment as well as a Server environment. Currently, I’m working as Network Administrator in IT company, responsible for keeping the 24×7 mission-critical data center up and running, managing Sysadmin, Network, Security and Storage group. To write a blog has two reasons
first, I can remember how I fixed something in case I need to fix it again and second to help others resolve similar issues of agonizing, hair pulling situations.

Contact Me ..

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