Learning of MySQL Process List
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Mysql process is difficult to know as it not easy for beginner, here you will learn how to see process of mysql with mytop tool.
If you are using Ubuntu then here is the command to install mytop :
$ sudo apt-get install mytop
Once you have successfully installed the mytop then you can run below command on terminal. Make sure it will ask password to run it:
$ sudo mytop –prompt
This will show you all db’s process on screen. If you want to see the process list for individual database’s user then below is the command which would help you to identify the process on screen :
$ sudo mytop -u MyDataBase –prompt
Here “MyDataBase” is the Username which created in mysql and you want to see the process for. This command will show you MyDataBase db user’s process on screen.
If you want to see the database’s process list on screen then here is another command which would help you definitely :
$ sudo mytop -d databasename –prompt
Here “databasename” is the name of database for which you want to see the process for. This command will show you database’s process on screen.
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